The biggest regret most people have when it comes to their wedding is letting others’ opinions weigh into how they should plan their day. Chelsea and Juan went from dreaming up a big California wedding with cake to an Intimate one with pizza cutting.
When it comes to doing whatever you want on your wedding day, I am here for it all and these two kicked it out of the park!
Emma Lauren Photos |Non-traditional California wedding ideas | Inquire here

The Details
Chelsea’s details were the perfect mix of timeless and unique! She opted for a bedazzled low-cut boot under her dress adding her own flare. One of my favorite details she paired with her dress was her silk tulle gloves that had ” To love and to cherish, to have and to hold” embroidered on them! How could I not be obsessed with them?

Bride Getting Ready
These images are the perfect example that your environment can make or break your getting-ready photos! In Chelsea’s getting-ready room, we had lots of natural light and the room was kept clean to make these images turn out so beautiful!
We had so much fun taking some champagne-popping photos in the bathroom tub. She changed into this adorable white pre-wedding dress! Pro tip: Allow yourself to have downtime during your wedding day so that you can have fun within in-between moments.

Bridal Portraits
Wanting to wear a hat on your wedding day but also a veil? You don’t have to choose just one! Try throwing that veil on top of your hat and you’re ceremony ready!

Groom Portraits
I know that most of the time weddings can be rushed. Sometimes leaving the groom’s photos to be forgotten or skipped. Please do yourself a favor and allow your partner to get photographed too! I mean we had a whole photoshoot that looks like it belongs in a magazine with Juan. The chain detail with his vest is just simply *chefs kiss*.

The ceremony was set up with a few candles lining each side of an oriental rug leading up to an A-frame arch which they stood in front of. As always, I am just behind my camera feeling all the feels seeing my couples tear up during their vows. You’re going to want to see the cutest little fur baby wearing a flower crown collar.

Bride and Groom Portraits | California wedding

Bride and groom smoking a Joint
Can’t have a California wedding without a little fun! These two took making their wedding day non-traditional to the next level and I was HERE for it!! I was clearly having fun with the smoke as a prop.

Pizza Cutting
Not into a cake, no problem who says there are rules on what you’re to cut during your reception? Cut the cake, nope let’s cut the PIZZA!